Professional knowledge of
the rodents habits is essential to eradicate a problem, for example, rats
avoid bait touched by human hand - they have an acute sense of smell "cunning
as a rat".
Pest control options may
include the use of sticky straps, mechanical traps and the selective
use of latest generation rat baits. Any rat baiting program should use
safety dispensers placed in areas and is secure from access by children
and pets - such as in a roof void and sealed sub-floor and/or storage
Ring the Experts for
any baiting program to obtain essential rapid control using the latest
safer technology. Some of the older style rat baits are in effective
as the rodents have built up immunity due to the widespread use of
such baits during the past 30 years.
Rodent proofing: As
a preventive measure, we recommend that all potential rodent entry
points into the building be sealed to physically exclude rats and
mice from entering the building. In some cases, this can be carried
out by the home owner or a handy man. In more complicated domestic
and commercial environments, the pest controller can provide specifications
and carry out rodent proofing of the premises.
/ Housekeeping: Rodent pests thrive where food and water is
readily available. All food stuffs should be kept in sealed containers
or rooms. Garbage and refuse should be similarly stored. Water and
food bowls for the pets or otherwise should not be left out at night
as this will encourage a rodent infestation in the building.
The cost of
obtaining professional rodent control will vary depending
on the size of the premises and the severity of the infestation as
several visits may be necessary to monitor and replenish the bait
stations. Applicable service warranties may also vary depending on
the circumstances. |