Termite.com / business - startup / search - engine - marketing

A Sensis Yellow Pages - Marketing Initiatives Seminar
Level 15 - 140 Arthur St Sydney - 4 to 7pm - Monday 1st December 2008
Search Engine Marketing

Termite.com - world leader - search engine results - pest control termites - acquired in 1995 - currently receives about 2 million unique visitors p.a. - mainly from USA residents who can apply for a FREE termite inspection from Orkin Pest Control a national USA company - sales exceed US$1billion p.a. - based in Atlanta - owned 60% by Rollins family - see list of top 100 USA pest control companies
Fumapest websites include Termite.com.au - Termites.com.au - Spiders.net.au - Fumapest.com.au - Architects.net.au - HomeBuilders.net.au - CustomsBrokers.net.au - Freighforwarders.net.au
Yellow Pages - even though Fumapest is a clear leader in Australia re SEO for virtually all the pest control related key words phrases (see search engine rankings) the Yellow Pages is still more prominent in generating NEW customers - when the homeowner finds termites it's an emergency - Yellow Pages handy at home - make sure your website address is prominent in YP advert - they work well together.
Get a website - search for and register a suitable name eg NetRegistry - $44  for 2 years - should cost about $250 for mid level hosting - should be able to get a basic 5 page website for less than $500
Tips for maintaining a website - select a style of website on the internet that you like - put together in Word the information to be dislayed - supply pictures of staff, jobs, etc - once website is complete you can amend easily with Microsoft Expression web update & creation software - retail price approx $500. Available at good retail shops.
Termite.com / business - startup