Spiders - the Poisonous ones

Pest Status

There are about 20 problem pest species that invade Domestic and Commercial premises.

The identification of each species, is essential to determine nesting locations, and where to use insecticide sprays and dusts, do NOT sweep away cobwebs before insecticide treatment.

Spiders usually are dormant during the day - hiding in dark crevices mostly to emerge at night to feed on other insects caught in their webs.

The Sydney funnel-web and redback spiders carry a deadly poison.

The white-tail spider causes severe skin ulceration to sensitive people.

Some common spider bites can make you very sick, whilst others are a nuisance pest due to their unsightly webs.

Pest Habitat

Depending upon the species they may have a nest (burrow) in the ground or harbourage in trees, shrubs, garden mulch, around window frames, fences and guttering. Spiders are nocturnal by nature.

Pest Control Method

We recommend a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide be applied to the webs and daytime habitat areas to ensure eradication of the spider present, usually within one week. Harbourage and nesting areas where spiders live during daylight hours, are spot treated with a residual insecticide for ground dwelling spiders and a synthetic pyrethroid liquid treatment of above ground habitat areas.

Expect to pay around $130 to $190, for small to medium premises. Service warranties vary based upon the particular species - usually 3 to 6 months for above-ground webbing spiders. No service warranties apply for ground dwelling spiders due to the difficulty in locating all their burrows.

FREE SPIDER IDENTIFICATION CHART - click here to see a Spider Identification Chart.

Syney Funnel Web Spider Male

Sydney Funnel Web Spider Female

Sydney Funnel Web

Deadly & Aggressive

One of the world's most deadly spiders. The Funnel Web is a ground dweller that is very common in suburban gardens. It has a reputation of displaying aggression when cornered and is reported to have caused the death of Children within 2 hours of the bite. Generally found in burrows under garden rocks and undergrowth or in any areas that are moist and dark.

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Redback Spider Red-Back Spider

Very Poisonous - can be deadly

The Reb-Back Spider is able to inflict a painful bite that can be fatal to the young and elderly. The Red-back Spider is often found in rubbish, such as empty cans, in the sub floor and other dark areas. It's body size is similar to a large pea. The distinctive red-back marking is not always present.

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White-Tip Spider White-Tail Spider


This spider can cause severe ulceration to skin on sensitive people. The White-tail is usually found indoors and in the garden.

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Female Mouse Spider Mouse Spider Female

Toxic - Painful Bite

This spider is a ground dweller. It is often mistaken for the Funnel-Web spider.

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Male Mouse Spider Mouse Spider Male

Toxic - Painful Bite

Also a ground dwelling spider, is distinctive to the female by the bright red head and fangs.

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Black House Spider

Venomous - non lethal

This very common spider is found in their webs in and around window frames eaves and any place they can spin their web.

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Wolf Spider Wolf Spider

Non Aggressive

The Wolf spider is another of the ground dwelling spiders. It is a non-agressive spider and looks worse than it really is.

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Female Trap Door Female Trap-Door Spider

Mildly Toxic

These ground dwelling spider usually have a lid to their burrows, but this is not always the case. They are mildly toxic and are a non-aggressive spider.

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Male Trap-Door Spider Male Trap-Door Spider

Mildly Toxic

The male Trap-Door Spider is very similar to its mate but can be distinguished by the larger swollen palps.

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Garden Orb-Weaving Spider Garden Orb-Weaving Spider


This relatively harmless spider is found predominately in the garden and can be found in the middle if its large web which can vary in size from 2 meters or more

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St Andrews Spider St Andrews Spider

Relatively Harmless - Beneficial

A strikingly colourful spider that spins a large web, usually in the garden area. This spider usually sits in the middle of it's web forming a cross, as illustrated. The St Andrews Spider grows to about 15 mm in body length.

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Huntsman Spider Huntsman Spider

Harmless - Timid

The Huntsman is a very timid spider and runs with surprising speed. It is usually found outdoors but does have a tendancy to wander inside. It is one of the few spiders that people use as an indication of an approaching storm or showers.

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